Publications of the Institute of Microeconomics

Working Papers

  • Klapper, F.B. (2024): Implications of Data Disclosure: Enhancing Advertisement Quality vs. Increasing Service AddictivenessSSRN Working Papers
  • Senk, A. (2024): Optimal Project Switching: Why it is sometimes Better to Abandon Promising VenturesSSRN Working Papers
  • Klapper, F.B. (2023): The effects of user privacy on admission pricing and addictiveness level of online service platformsSSRN Working Papers
  • Hoppe-Wewetzer, H. C. and Katsenos, G. and Ozdenoren, E. (2019): Experimentation, Learning, and Preemption


  • Klapper, F.B. and Siemering, C. (2024): Effects of Patent Privateering on Settlements and R&D under Sequential Market EntryInformation Economics and Policy, Vol. 66, 101080
  • Hoppe-Wewetzer, H. C. and Katsenos, G. and Ozdenoren, E. (2023): The Effects of Rivalry on Scientific Progress under Public vs Private LearningJournal of Economic Theory
  • Siemering, C. (2023): A model of endogenous targeting in duopolyInformation Economics and Policy, 64, 101047 More info
  • Hoppe-Wewetzer, H. & Siemering, C. (2022): Advertisement-Financed Credit RatingsJournal of Economics and Finance 46, 188-206
  • Maxin, H. (2020): Corporate Venture Capital and the Nature of InnovationEconomics of Innovation and New Technology 29, 1-30 | File |
  • Siemering, C. (2020): The economics of dishonest insurance companiesThe Geneva Risk and Insurance Review More info
  • Siemering, C. (2020): Zweifelhafte Evaluationen von Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der COVID-19-Pandemie: Eine kritische Diskussion am Beispiel der Thesen Stefan HomburgsORDO 71 (1), 329-346 More info
  • Hoppe-Wewetzer, H. C. & Wagener, A. (2019): Multiple Prizes in Research TournamentsEconomics Letters 175, 118-120 | File |
  • Bömer, M. & Maxin, H. (2018): Why Fintechs Cooperate with Banks — Evidence from GermanyZeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft 107, 359-386 | File |
  • Maxin, H. (2018): Corporate Venture Capital im Bankensektor: Eine FallstudieZfKE – Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship 66, 71-89 | File |
  • Hoppe, H. C., Moldovanu, B. & Ozdenoren, E. (2011): Coarse Matching with Incomplete InformationEconomic Theory 47, 75-104 | File |
  • Hoppe, H. C., Moldovanu, B. & Sela, A. (2009): The Theory of Assortative Matching Based on Costly SignalsReview of Economic Studies 76, 253-281 | File |
  • Hoppe, H. C. & Lehmann-Grube, U. (2008): Price Competition in Markets with Customer Testing: The Captive Customer EffectEconomic Theory 35, 497-521 | File |
  • Hoppe, H. C., Jehie, P. & Moldovanu, B. (2006): License Auctions and Market StructureJournal of Economics & Management Strategy 15, 371-396 | File |
  • Hoppe, H. C. & Lehmann-Grube, U. (2005): Innovation Timing Games: A General Framework with ApplicationsJournal of Economic Theory 121, 30-50 | File |
  • Hoppe, H. C. & Ozdenoren, E. (2005): Intermediation in InnovationInternational Journal of Industrial Organization 23, 483-503 | File |
  • Baye, M. R. & Hoppe, H. C. (2003): The Strategic Equivalence of Rent-Seeking, Innovation, and Patent-Race GamesGames and Economic Behavior 44, 217-226 | File |
  • Hoppe, H. C. & Lee, I. H. (2003): Entry Deterrence and Innovation in Durable-Goods MonopolyEuropean Economic Review 47, 1001-1036 | File |
  • Hoppe, H. C. (2002): The Timing of New Technology Adoption: Theoretical Models and Empirical EvidenceManchester School, Special Issue on Industrial Organization, Rabah Amir,ed. 70, pp. 56-76 | File |
  • Hoppe, H. C. & Lehmann-Grube, U. (2001): Second-mover Advantages in Dynamic Quality CompetitionJournal of Economics & Management Strategy 10, 419-433 | File |
  • Hoppe, H. C. und Pfähler, W. (2001): Ökonomie der Grundlagenforschung und WissenschaftspolitikPerspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik 2, 125-144 | File |
  • Hoppe, H. C. (2000): A Strategic Search Model of Technology Adoption and PolicyAdvances in Applied Microeconomics Vol. 9: Industrial Organization, 197-214, Michael R. Baye, ed., Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press | File |
  • Hoppe, H. C. (2000): Second-Mover Advantages in the Strategic Adoption of New Technology under UncertaintyInternational Journal of Industrial Organization 18, pp. 115-138 | File |